What areas of the body can be treated with body contouring?




Introduction to Body Contouring

One of the most common areas treated with body contouring is the abdomen, including the upper and lower regions as well as the flanks, often referred to as love handles. Procedures like liposuction and tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) are frequently performed to remove Body Contouring in Tampa Bay excess fat and tighten the skin in these areas. Liposuction can target localized pockets of fat, while a tummy tuck can remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles for a firmer, flatter stomach.


The thighs are another popular area for body contouring treatments. Both the inner and outer thighs can accumulate stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Tampa Bay Body Sculpting Liposuction can be used to sculpt the thighs by removing these fat deposits, creating a more toned and streamlined appearance. Additionally, procedures like thigh lifts can address loose skin and sagging, particularly in the inner thigh area, to achieve smoother and more contoured thighs.


Excess fat and skin on the arms can be a source of self-consciousness for many people. Body contouring procedures like arm lifts (brachioplasty) can effectively address this by removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms. This results in a more sculpted and toned arm contour that can enhance overall arm definition and appearance.

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