A day has 86.400 seconds.
Imagine you would count from 1 to 86.400 … but all those seconds, most of them, are not fulfilled with joy, even if we want as this to happen.
Because we do not know how to stay alive.
And one day a miracle is happening.
You meet one person that knows to make you alive, but somehow you just miss the chance to be into the real life togheter.
You had all oportunities, but you did not know to arrange the things … and everything is gone.
You try to forget everything, start lieing yourself daily, saying that everything is gone, but boom … you meet that person again while driving … and everything colapse and you feel again alive for 2 seconds.
You live in only those 2 seconds everything a human being can feel inside of the soul.
2 seconds are more important and powerful than 86.400 seconds … and in that moment you realise what is really life about.
2 seconds are more important as money, properties or the copyright you have.
Try to feel alive.
Dont waste your life doing all kinds of silly things.
Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love stories” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.
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