Before the addiction ... during the addiction ... and the moment after the addiction. A story ... which is actually a lesson of life. … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Having addictions is actually a way of living today.

People use to love alcohol by centuries … and if you have the chance to talk with them, why they love it so much … they will tell you that alcohol is actually kind of a medicine.

One that is making them forget about the real life, about the problems that they have … and live daily a part of time with different thoughts.

Long time ago, when i was a child i saw an amazing russian movie about the life of a guy from Moscow.

He was married by a while … and he started to drink more and more.

In the beginning he was drinking … just from time to time.

He was very stressed because of his work, but his wife could not understand that.

Then he started to drink more … and more … and he became an alcoholic.

Started to dislike his work, because of so, so many problems … but also the life that he had at home with his wife.

During the day he could not drink, but in the night he could not go to sleep without having one or 2 bottles of wine.

Drinking alcohol daily … became a habit.

The connection with his wife … was totally interrupted … and even if she disliked so much his addiction, she could not convince him to stop.

But one day, on a 1st of January … he just stopped drinking … and promised to himself that this is a final decision.

His problems from work did not disappeared … but suddenly he started to see his problems from home.

The relationship with the wife … was so toxic, that he was making jokes thanking to God that he invented alcohol .. and that this is the reason why his marriage lasted so, so much.

But … today he could clearly see the toxicity of their marriage, the fact that he was never supported by his wife and the fact that they have a zero connection.

He disliked everything he saw … but was happy that he can understand the real situation of where he was on the timeline of his life.

He was not blind anymore.

He realized he needed alcohol … just to become blind and not see for a long time the truth about his life.

But a truth is a truth … and maybe the message was to understand the life itself even if he liked it or not.

Before the addiction he was looking for a medicine for becoming blind when if comes about analyzing his life … during the addiction he loved the fact that he had moments when he totally forgot everything … and after the addiction, he understand he must accept the facts from reality just as they are, analyze them, define and redefine everything he wants to change … and have the power to dream again.

Hiding from the real situations of life … is useless, as long as we have some lessons of life to study.

Download the book ”Exploring ourselves … we will understand what life is about” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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